Carpet Bomber - High damage over a wide area. Fragile and slow. Attacks land, sea and undersea targets.Physics
- Max speed: 75
- Acceleration: 75
- Braking rate: 20
- Turn rate: 110
- Vision radius: 200
- Underwater vision radius: 200
- Weapon energy consumption: 100 / s
Unit Types
- Air
- Basic
- Bomber
- Custom58
- FactoryBuild
- Mobile
- Offense
Built By
Advanced Air Factory 0:07 + 0:02
Air Factory 0:21 + 0:02
- Blueprint
- Range: 10
- Firing standard deviation: 10
- Damage: 562.5 DPS: 75 damage every 0.13 seconds (7.5 shots per second)
- Yaw: 180° at 3600° per second
- Pitch: 180° at 3600° per second
- Energy consumption: 75 per shot
- Stored ammo drained after 0.8 seconds (6 shots)
- Targets: LandHorizontal, WaterSurface, Seafloor, Underwater
- Ammo recharged after 4.25 seconds
- Blueprint
- Type: Projectile
- Flight type: Staged
- Damage: 75
- Splash: 75 damage, radius 10
- Full damage splash radius: 1
- Burn damage: 15, radius 2
- Muzzle velocity: 15.0
- Max velocity: 15.0
- Collision check: enemies
- Collision response: impact
- Commander
- AirDefense & ( Land | Naval )
- Titan & ( Land | Naval )
- Artillery & Advanced & ( Land | Naval )
- Nuke | NukeDefense